Are you in need of inspiration? Find out which Instagram accounts have caught our eye this week.

Here is a focus on three of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented last March on Fisheye’s website.

Currently exhibited at the Festival Circulation(s), photographer María Moldes likes to put her imagination at the service of her...

Are you in need of inspiration? Find out which Instagram accounts have caught our eye this week.

Here is a focus on three of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented last February on Fisheye’s website.

Are you in need of inspiration? Find out which Instagram accounts have caught our eye this week.

This week, we present you with two photographers, and with them, two countries. Deborah Benzaquen has documented the Marocain youth and...

For 15 days, follow the daily life and travels of Benoît Baume, the founder of Fisheye in China discovering the photography of the Middle...

With his series “South Sombrio” photographer Jarod Luebbert shows us the silent beauty of the American West Coast, in a portrait of a...