Résultats de recherche pour "fisheye"
977 results

Our readers picks #318, Vincent Curdy and Greg Mo are interested in familiar places. One takes us to another world by photographing the...

Here’s a focus on five of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented in November 2020 on Fisheye’s website: Tim Franco, Marie Aynaud...

"My photographic approach? Obsession", says Tristan Hollingsworth. Multiple exposures, naked bodies, soft focus, flowers and twilight...

Bizarre or trending subjects, catch a break with our curiosity of the week. By playing with collages and mirrors, Danish photographer...

Poetic wanderings, curious stagings and theatrical settings meet in this Instagram selection #274. A collection of images that will...

Our readers picks #317, Maxime Michelet and Christophe Bouillet are interested in the notion of territory. One highlights its link with...

With his series Phœnix, the photographer Clément Marion offers a sensitive point of view on the bodies of major burn victims. A subject...

As part of the digital track dedicated to women photographers Elles X Paris Photo, we are presenting, over the next 10 days, the ten...

Bizarre or trending subjects, catch a break with our curiosity of the week. With her collages, the artist Marie Aynaud transforms nudes...

Portraits of friends, or cityscapes, the photographers of this Instagram selection #273 transform their everyday life to rethink our...

Until December 6th, Le BAL is hosting a photographic ensemble by Miguel Rio Branco, produced in Brazil between 1968 and 1992. A...

Johanna Senpau and Victor Zurbarán, our readers picks #316 both capture urbanity. The first documents a melancholic landscape, erased by...

"From my first sketches, I start a process: I add and remove layers, I polish an idea to perfection. I like to reflect on the light I...

"I am a floral designer and photographer. I create bouquets for weddings and events, but also for cinema and television. I also receive...