Résultats de recherche pour "language"
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Each month, discover two new interviews on the 2.0 edition of the Elles x Paris Photo website – one written, the other in video. Today's...

With self-portraiture for one and street photography for the other, Giorgibel and Abbas M. Ahmed, our readers picks #350, share their...

“I try, through my pictures, to highlight what a person is about. To elevate people and the atmosphere that surrounds them”, Lucie...

Inspired by the arts – Ning Kai and Sabrina Scarpa turn to impressionism and Alban Champion to music – our readers picks #348 imagine...

Bizarre or trending subjects, catch a break with our curiosity of the week. Kevin Moore stages queer characters in retro settings, thus...

Tem Bigato Nessa Goiaba, a metaphorical series imagined in the wake of a break-up, reads like a rebirth. In the burning landscapes of her...

“Reinvesting history is a way of taming it. Making it more personal, more poetic”, says Beninese artist Ishola Akpo. The photographer has...

Bizarre or trending subjects, catch a break with our curiosity of the week. The Photoshop virtuoso – artist Robin Lopvet – constructs...

The edition 2.0 of the Elles x Paris Photo website is growing by the day! You can discover two exclusive interviews every month – one...

“Reproducing a sensation, a visual impression, capturing feelings that are difficult to describe with words… I seek out things that can...

Here’s a focus on five of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented in March 2021 on Fisheye’s website: A., Bex Day, Margaux Corda...

Whether they are inspired by the codes of cinema, those of our society, or putting their own melancholy into images, the photographers of...