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Somewhere between land and sky, sea and urban living, the artists of our Instagram selection #311 use the photographic medium to...
What can be found in our Instagram selection #307? The moon, minimalist compositions and landscapes deserted by humanity. But also many...
Transforming to better create... Whether they are inspired by their favourite subjects, their daily life or nature, the photographers of...
Nicole Depergola and Catherine Canac-Marquis, our readers picks #343, both draw onirism in daily life to better study the...
Clara Abi Nader and Florian Perennes, our readers picks #337, both see photography as an introspective tool. An instrument for...
Our readers picks #317, Maxime Michelet and Christophe Bouillet are interested in the notion of territory. One highlights its link with...
What inspires Jean Hervoche and Marion Romagnan, our readers picks #315? Travelling. One searches for raw emotion, and the other for a...
As a frequent traveller, Antoine Béguier chose to turn his lens this time towards the French countryside. In La traversée des ombres...
The Polish photographer Łukasz Rusznica presents, at Festival Circulation(s), Subterranean River, a mysterious journey in the Japanese...
Florian Charpail captures the photogenic United States, while Cédric Emeran sublimes the district La Défense. Here are the readers picks...
In Mayu, Japanese photographer Sayuri Ichida reinterpreted the notion of migration. A beautiful project, mixing solitude, strength and...
This week, the redaction team selected two black and white series. Geoffroy Hauwen questions the notion of loneliness, while Martin...
loneliness in togetherness
Dans le cadre de la série d’expositions « 10 jours – une position photographique », la...
Ranchos de Taos / Vivre au Nouveau Mexique
Arrêt sur l'image galerie
La galerie bordelaise, Arrêt sur l’image, et le laboratoire photographique et d’édition, la chambre noire...