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She is Belgian, but lives in France. She has been challenging the clichés associated with female beauty and celebrating bodies in her...

It was during a trip to Hawaï, within the Mauna Kea observatory that the photographer Vincent Fournier captures this astounding...

With Zilverbeek (Silver creek), Lucas Leffler explores the myth of a worker who made his wealth from the mud that lined the bottom of a...

Somewhere between land and sky, sea and urban living, the artists of our Instagram selection #311 use the photographic medium to...

Trained as a floral designer, Doan Ly took up photography in order to promote her creations. With over 180,000 followers on Instagram...

Magic, fantasy, abstraction, humour... By playing with genres and emotions, the photographers of our Instagram selection #310 highlight...

The artists in our Instagram selection #309 find inspiration in urban or intimate spaces. Together they compose a peaceful narrative and...

With self-portraiture for one and street photography for the other, Giorgibel and Abbas M. Ahmed, our readers picks #350, share their...

Megalopolises, snowy landscapes... The photographers of our Instagram selection #306 make us travel. The artists presented here deliver a...

Bizarre or trending subjects, catch a break with our curiosity of the week. Kevin Moore stages queer characters in retro settings, thus...

At top speed on the empty roads of the United States, the radio spitting out old-school rock'n'roll, the windows rolled down, and the...

“Reinvesting history is a way of taming it. Making it more personal, more poetic”, says Beninese artist Ishola Akpo. The photographer has...

Ranchos de Taos / Vivre au Nouveau Mexique
Arrêt sur l'image galerie
La galerie bordelaise, Arrêt sur l’image, et le laboratoire photographique et d’édition, la chambre noire...

arrêt sur l'image galerie
Attiré par le sud-ouest américain en partie par des souvenirs de films Western vus dans son enfance, Bernard est...