Résultats de recherche pour "elegance"
25 results
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Bizarre or trending subjects? Catch a break with our curiosity of the week. Photographer Rosemarie Yang presents on Instagram a...

Cristina Coral is an Italian based self-taught photographer. Her series Alternative Perspective reveals her intriguing universe, as the...

Charles-Aymeric Esteve and Young Ha Kim, our readers picks #349, are both interested in the enigmatic side of the photographic medium. In...

In vertiginous, yet subtle compositions, photographer Stuart Paton places a mirror in front of the alienation of our thoughts....

Whether they capture the urban world or the individuals within it, the photographers of our Instagram selection #286 strive to reveal...

"I am attracted by the infinite possibilities that arise when people interact with the space they inhabit", says Lorenzo Catena. After...

“I usually try to find a balance between something real and fictional. I like to build a set of concepts when working on my projects by...

Bizarre or trending subjects, catch a break with our curiosity of the week. Confined, French photographer Karine Péron Le Ouay plays with...

Enchanting sceneries and mundane moments distill magic and mystery in this Instagram selection #231. A collection of seven accounts that...

Whether they travel to the edge of the world or capture their craziest dreams, the photographers from our Instagram selection #228 invite...

Paolo Battistel and Anaïs S., our readers picks #270 both like to experiment with the photographic medium. Two complementary visions...

Our readers picks #269 both place mankind at the heart of their works. Mathilde Bergès focuses on our charming imperfections, while...