Specialising in portrait or street photography, the artists of our Instagram selection #288 explore unique universes, filled with surrealism and symbolism.
On his Instagram account, the New York-based artist-photographer Jay Sprogell brilliantly mixes his own portraits with fashion images, twisted with collage and painting. The result is a pop, symbolic and colourful collection.

© Jay Sprogell / Instagram
Based in Angoulême, the French photographer Clotilde BL shares her experiments on her digital gallery. Using soft focus, she plays with the reflections, the grain and the sensitivity of her film to create a surreal universe.

© Clotilde BL / Instagram
Zhang Ahuei, a photographer based in Taiwan, specialises in portraiture. On Instagram, she publishes a collection of delicate images, where women’s faces and bodies blend with their environment. Lost in nature, immersed in metropolises or adorned with plants, her models shine.

© Zhang Ahuei / Instagram
“Every moment has a story”
, writes Indonesian photographer Sigit Zero on his Instagram account. Faithful to this maxim, the artist plays with silhouettes and captures furtive moments in the street that evoke stories and legends.

© Sigit Zero / Instagram
We know nothing of the Instagrammer @eme.amala, except that she paints and photographs. Between symbolism and minimalism, the mysterious artist publishes, on her digital gallery, monochrome images where objects, bodies and heavenly landscapes merge. An account that will please the dreamers.

© eme.amala / Instagram
Cover picture: © Zhang Ahuei / Instagram