Résultats de recherche pour "Shadow"
120 results
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Our readers picks #353, Antonio Maria Storch and Claudia Fuggetti – both Italian – explore territories. The first offers a graphic vision...

The artists in our Instagram selection #309 find inspiration in urban or intimate spaces. Together they compose a peaceful narrative and...

With self-portraiture for one and street photography for the other, Giorgibel and Abbas M. Ahmed, our readers picks #350, share their...

Charles-Aymeric Esteve and Young Ha Kim, our readers picks #349, are both interested in the enigmatic side of the photographic medium. In...

With Récupérer Nos Corps (Getting our bodies back, ed.), a project combining written testimonies and photographs, non-binary artist La...

Inspired by the arts – Ning Kai and Sabrina Scarpa turn to impressionism and Alban Champion to music – our readers picks #348 imagine...

Empty landscapes, details torn from the everyday, intimate settings... The photographers of our Instagram selection #304 compose, each in...

Transforming to better create... Whether they are inspired by their favourite subjects, their daily life or nature, the photographers of...

Both inspired by the arts, Nikita Schukin and Andrea Calandra, our readers picks #346, develop different aesthetics and narratives. One...

Valentin Astier and Laura Franco, our readers picks #344, highlight the sensations that are born out of our daily lives. They both...

Inspired by the epic tale of the Book of Revelation, as well as her own story, Ioanna Sakellaraki followed in her father's footsteps on...

With portraits, travels or urban landscapes, the photographers of our Instagram selection #297 all manage to recount their stories....