In this Instagram selection #244, we honour human bodies. Portraits and other sceneries – in colour and black and white – all embody a welcome introspection.
From Marche, an Italian region, Elisa Paci specialises in portraiture. Accessorised, natural or deformed, the faces she captures complement each other. Get lost in this light and beautiful world!

© Elisa Paci / Instagram
Whether they are suggested or asserted, bodies are often part of Sotiris Bougas’s minimal compositions. The Greek photographer manages to create a harmonious frame in which each element occupies a distinctive place.

© Sotiris Bougas / Instagram
Julie Greve combines staged scenes and portraits to explore to evolution from childhood to adulthood and the notion of femininity. The Instagram gallery of this Danish photographer based in London tells a visual story inspired by her young days.
© Julie Greve / Instagram
Hana’s visual world is filled with monochromes, shadows and women. Her graphic portraits bewitch us. A collection of creative and charming images.

© hana_photographer11 / Instagram
Here is a recent account. His owner, Alexandre Perfetti may have used the quarantine as an excuse to start sharing his street photographs. He offers here a nice virtual balled in London streets. A stroller to follow closely.

© Alexandre Perfetti / Instagram