This week, the redaction team presents the work of two photographes fascinated by daily life. Nacho Riaza and Nicolas Sibertin both display their photographic notebooks. These are our two weekly readers’ picks.
Nacho G. Riaza
“I am a self-taught Spanish photographer. My work is a mix of musical portraits”
, Nacho explains. The author of this Tumblr filled with triptychs presents a gallery “a little chaotic”, which can be read like a travel notebook, revealing precious moments of daily life. Nacho’s other habit is to wander by the seaside. His camera always accompanying him, he feels powerful : “I feel lucky to be able to show the world the way I see it”. And whenever he captures a portrait, he feels grateful : “I am so happy to see my model trusting me, and giving me a piece of themselves”, he tells us.

© Nacho G. Riaza
Nicolas Sibertin
Nicolas, 26 started photography in 2016, while studying sociology. “I was mesmerised by the works of humanist photographers in the 20th century, I decided to buy my first digital SLR camera and to wander in Paris, taking black and white pictures until I created my first theme”, he remembers. Nowadays, Nicolas prefers to work in colour. “I am attracted to painting, electronic music, philosophy, meditation… My inspiration comes, for the most part, from observing my daily life. I like paying attention to small details which can become fascinating subjects: a door, a wall, a window, or even a reflection. If you’re lucky, you can stumble upon a graphically perfect situation, including one or two characters”, he adds.

© Nicolas Sibertin