Résultats de recherche pour "fisheye"
977 results

The young Charlotte Abramow – only 24 years old – has no limits and keeps succeeding in everything she undertakes: personal projects...

2018 is off to a flying start, for Fisheye, which already realised a huge project : to export in China. A great achievement for the...

‘This is how he communicates. Without words, with his gaze only. This is also the first picture where Moro revealed...

From the 2nd to 23rd December, Fisheye Gallery will be transformed into a library and photography studio. Publishers and photographers...

Jean-Christian Bourcart allows us to reflect on the use of political pictures with the presentation of Jour de colère “Day of wrath – ed”...

Alexander Kaller and Stephen Sillifant, our readers picks #355, both escape the frenzy of our world to produce peaceful images – a...

Trained as a musician, British artist Max Miechowski turned to photography after a long trip to Southeast Asia. Portraits...

Through portraits or landscapes, the artists of our Instagram selection #312 never stop experimenting. All of them seek new textures and...

With Zilverbeek (Silver creek), Lucas Leffler explores the myth of a worker who made his wealth from the mud that lined the bottom of a...

Bastien Brillard and Élise Toïdé, our readers picks #354, express what they feel through their pictures. One adresses a passionate love...

"I would say that I like depth, strength, emotion and intensity – at least that's what moves me. So that's certainly what I'm trying to...

"Photography is a way of expressing myself and staging things that I imagine beautiful, but that I will never see in real life," Emma...

Somewhere between land and sky, sea and urban living, the artists of our Instagram selection #311 use the photographic medium to...

Our readers picks #353, Antonio Maria Storch and Claudia Fuggetti – both Italian – explore territories. The first offers a graphic vision...