With Zilverbeek (Silver creek), Lucas Leffler explores the myth of a worker who made his wealth from the mud that lined the bottom of a...
Somewhere between land and sky, sea and urban living, the artists of our Instagram selection #311 use the photographic medium to...
Our readers picks #353, Antonio Maria Storch and Claudia Fuggetti – both Italian – explore territories. The first offers a graphic vision...
Inspired by an in-depth reading of Giacomo Leopardi's poetry, Italian artist Francesco Lopazio's pictures question man's habitat and his...
Elisabeth Gomes Barradas and Sophie Churlaud, our readers picks #351, may be opposed in many ways, but both obsess over aesthetics. The...
She is Belgian, but lives in France. She has been challenging the clichés associated with female beauty and celebrating bodies in her...
Both inspired by the arts, Nikita Schukin and Andrea Calandra, our readers picks #346, develop different aesthetics and narratives. One...
Here’s a focus on five of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented in May 2021 on Fisheye's website: Ashley Markle, Julia Buruleva...
“Photography is a medium that facilitates both encounters and experiences. I use my camera as an excuse to talk to people, especially in...
Protests, parties, portraits of friends and celebrities... Marie Rouge's aesthetic – always very colourful – is imbued with empathy and...
“Aesthetics is a way to get a message across. A great picture is beautiful and funny. I don't want to create smooth, purely informative...
With an intense black and white experimental approach, the Belgian photographer Charlotte Mariën tears out of the night almost...
In parallel to the exhibition Femmes en regard, dedicated to female artists, Guerlain has launched a series of conferences, giving a...
Bizarre or trending subjects, catch a break with our curiosity of the week. Russian photographer Julia Buruleva imagines playful and...