Here’s a focus on three of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented last June on Fisheye’s website: Nick Hannes, Danila Tkachenko et Franck Bohbot.
1. Nick Hannes
“The entertainment society is destroying the local reality, that of workers almost reduced to slavery and parked in huge shack zones”
the author explains. In his series Garden of delight, produced in Dubai, the Belgian photographer showcases his vision of a society based on entertainment and exploitation. A work exhibited at ImageSingulières.

© Nick Hannes
2. Danila Tkachenko
“I was struck by the contrast between modernity and the archaic. An ancient society living in the modern world of skyscrapers and new technologies”,
Danila Tkachenko, the author of Oasis, says. A series unveiling a surrealist Qatar.

© Danila Tkachenko
3. Franck Bohbot
The series Forever Young was born when Franck Bohbot was on holiday. “I wanted to illustrate the memories of our summers, our childhood, and the joy felt in water jets and aquatic parks”, he tells us. Inspired by the creations of Luigi Ghirro, Paul Cézanne, Edward Hopper, Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson, the artist builds a timeless and beautifully retro universe.

© Franck Bohbot
Cover picture: © Nick Hannes