Résultats de recherche pour "fisheye"
977 results

Toby Zeng is 18 years old. On his Instagram page, there are hundreds of extreme close ups of cars; taken scrupulously, in a repetitive...

It was at the age of 20, that Lorena Lohr left England to go to New York. From then on she begun a personal, photographic journey with...

American photographer Joseph Trisolini goes back to his hometown in Hawaii to capture surfers, and the "powerful coexistence between fear...

Ali Bosworth, 33 years old, is a Canadian photographer based in Toronto. His encounter with the photographic medium was instinctive and...

In December 2001, populous riots ravaged Buenos Aires. Citizens were protesting against their President’s neoliberal policies, in order...

For the photojournalist Rafael Yaghobzadeh, 26 years old, photography has become a lifestyle. In 2014, he began documenting the conflict...

Simply titled Berliner, this small zine, produced in four copies, is the work of Martin Schumann, 30 years old, a man of many trades...

“Evangelización” is a familiar outlook on Mexican faith. Tonatiuh Cabello captures in this series the charming fusion of Catholicism and...

The Balaton lake is the biggest lake in centrale Europe and as Hungary is enclaved, it is often referred as the "Hungarian Sea". Since...

For Res, 31 years old, there is no boundary between the 'him' and the 'her'. Neither feminin, nor masculin. The artist doesn't identify...

When not working on a commission, Emma Hardy takes photos for herself. She takes out her 35mm camera and dwells in her everyday...

Deividas Buivydas left his native country of Lithuania to come and study photography in England. In 2016, he photographed the small town...

Half women, half girls. With this series Charmaine Poh, 26, explores the quest for identity of girls in their transition to womanhood....

Paco Boublard is a comedian and photographer. At 36 he won the title of the photography contest grainedephotographe.com in 2017. We met...