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Crossings, the Square Print Sale, presented by Magnum Photos and Aperture Foundation, will bring together a selection of over 100 images...

Our readers picks #353, Antonio Maria Storch and Claudia Fuggetti – both Italian – explore territories. The first offers a graphic vision...

Until December 6th, Le BAL is hosting a photographic ensemble by Miguel Rio Branco, produced in Brazil between 1968 and 1992. A...

Here’s a focus on five of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented last October on Fisheye’s website: Cristina JimEnez Rey, Nicolas...

Here’s a focus on five of the readers’ favourite discoveries, presented last September on Fisheye’s website: Carl Warner, Antoine...

From February 15th to March 29th, the Bronx Documentary Center's gallery, presents Trump Revolution: Immigration. The first chapter of a...

Angélique de Place and Swannie Robert, our readers picks #266, both develop intuitive body of works, inspired by femininity. Though one...

In his book Unsettled City, Danish photographer M.H. Frøslev chronicles his nights in Russian metropoles. Ten years of photography...

Robert Hyde and Lo Kee both track atmospheres which call out to them. Two projects inspired by loneliness and poetry. Here are our...

Cameron McLaren and Maxime Leblanc have at least two things in common. They both practice black and white street photography. Here are...

Passing by Arles? Let the Fisheye team be your guide and go see those five amazing exhibitions, displayed until September 23rd as part of...

In Brussels, the Eyes Wild Open exhibition has united a group of authors who – each on their own time, and in their own way – have...

Institut pour la photographie 2023
Institut pour la photographie
Ce mois-ci, et jusqu’au 18 juin prochain – à l’aube du solstice d’été –...

Chris Killip: an anthology
Galerie Magnum Paris
L’exposition met en avant quatre projets réalisés par Chris Killip entre les années 1970 et 1980, dont des...

Galerie Vellutini
Trente-cinq photos de célébrités du septième art en noir et blanc viennent peupler la Galerie Vellutini avec...

Tbilisi Photo Festival
Dans le cadre de l’édition 2022 du Tbilisi Photo Festival, les photos de la série Rich and Poor de Jim Goldberg...

2023 sera une grande année pour Fisheye et ses équipes qui fêteront l’anniversaire des 10 ans du magazine....